Friday, 6 May 2011

The Artocracy and Its Enemies

We live in an Artocracy. The artocrats who form the make-up of this society are, let it be clear, accountable to no-one and no-thing except themselves. Following its birth the Reader was outsourced to a Nanny and from that point never spoken of or visited. True artocrats have no checks or balances. They aren’t Public Servants, Employee’s or Knight’s of the Garter in any standard conception and therefore have no views to canvas (if you’ll excuse the pun) vested interests to please or instructions to bear in mind when making their work. If such a lapse of dignity on the unfortunate souls part was made towards considering the ‘reception’ their work might receive, the ‘issue’s’ it should address or the ‘publicity’ it had the potential to generate then, assuming they did not have the basic human grace to conceal this base intention by vigorously denying it (hara-kiri), it would be fitting for the artist in question to be permanently exonerated from the ranks of the Artocracy.

Servitude should at no point infringe upon the creative process and those who do entertain such aspirations of dominion over the Creative Individual, who shamelessly seek to profit from the singular expressions of an artocrat- the productivity of whom is only marginally comprehensible to them- are afforded the same level of enmity we give in civilised society to paedophiles, politicians and serial killers.

The power structure that actually exists between the Craven Materialists and the Artists they are fortunate enough to gain the slightest intimacy with is the absolute inversion of what they naively conceive it to be. For it is plain that if there was nothing to publish, release, exhibit or broadcast then the derivatives of these actions (the publishers, networks, record labels, galleries et al), the whole malaise of secondary exploitation could not exist, therefore depriving their thousands of comfortable employee’s of livelihoods. Although heavily blinkered to the truth in their plush offices, the “CM’s” are wholly dependent upon a replenished and inspired artocracy, for where it ever to enter a state of decline due to malnourishment they too would starve.

It transpires, logically, that the Artocrat is always in control, that the balance of power is always tipped in their favour, and that the only sustainable relationship that can remain between the two hierarchies is an unbroken, unilateral stream of command issuing from the Creative Individual to Craven Materialist (acting here instead as a Facilitator On Request)When they where part of the “CM’s” mass deception these people once placed emphasis upon buzz-terms like ‘100%Creative Control’ and ‘Artist’s license’ believing they where benevolent bonuses bestowed from ivory towers upon the struggling and hard up; some condescending kind of philanthropic welfare. These terms are tautologies. Furthermore they are the Sine qua non of any possible deal brokered with the artist. However as the “FOR” they are humbled and understand now that such statements weren’t exceptions but basic truisms in our Artocracy were there is, and has always been, a singular prerogative and mode of control: the artists.

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